Pastor Thomas Smith
Pastor Smith and his wife Rhonda began their ministry with Mt. Zion Baptist Church in January of 1977. He served as an assistant to Pastor Joe Murray. When Pastor Murray resigned in 1981, the church called Pastor Smith as their pastor, where he served as Senior Pastor from June 1981 until he retired in June 2022.
Though Pastor Smith has retired from the role of Senior Pastor of Mt. Zion, he and Mrs. Smith continue to be actively involved in the church’s ministry. In addition to their service here in St. Clair, Pastor Smith frequently preaches and teaches in other churches as the Lord leads.
Through his writing ministry, Pastor Smith endeavors to provide encouragement and edification to those seeking a closer walk with the Lord. Straight Paths Volumes One and Two each include 365 daily devotions. Pastor Smith also assists in the publication of The Flaming Torch. Information about these and other materials can be found at https://mt-zion-baptist-church.square.site.
For more information about scheduling him for a revival or conference Pastor Smith can be reached at pastortsmith@gmail.com or (314) 629-2254.