Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.” James 5:11

The word patience, in referring to the character of Job, describes his endurance, or patient continuance. Job is a tremendous example for us in many ways, and one admirable quality was his ability to overcome. Who do we know that has endured more than Job? He suffered the loss of his wealth, his family, his health, the discouraging words of his wife, and the verbal abuse of his friends. Yet Job continued forward, persevering through all his adversity. The Scripture directs us to think of “the end of the Lord” in Job’s life. What was the final result of his testing? Job was eventually increased and blessed in a remarkable way after enduring his trials. God blessed him with multitudes of livestock, additional children, and length of days. The Bible says, “the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning” (Job 42:12).

None of us would want to go through the things Job experienced, but God wants us to learn a lesson from Job. Whatever life brings our way, He wants us to endure for His glory and for our benefit. This principle presupposes a promise – that endurance is possible by the grace of God. The devil wants us to think differently, that our trials are too difficult, that God is not just, and that we are not capable of enduring. Nothing could be farther from the truth. God has promised to be with us and strengthen us for the most difficult times of our lives.

We should not assume that because trials come our way, God has somehow abandoned us or that He has ceased to be good. God loves us and wants to show Himself strong in our lives as we trust in Him. The Scripture says, “the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.” The Lord is compassionate, knows what we are going through, and will give us the grace to endure. It is a truly blessed person who endures and remains faithful to the Lord and His will while going through hardship and difficulty. As with Job, those faithful servants who persevere through times of testing will be rewarded, both in this life, as well as in the life to come. We will all face fiery trials and times when our faith is tested. Look to God and don’t give up. In the end, there will be great blessing.