Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?” Matthew 19:27

Peter felt like he and the others had forsaken all in order to follow their Savior. What would his reward be? How would he be compensated for his sacrifice? It is a question that has crossed many minds at one time or another. Sometimes the subject might surface in a period of discouragement or doubting, or perhaps in times of serious trials or disappointment.

Of course, some will probably never think about this because they have given nothing of great value in order to follow Jesus. They have never sacrificed their family or leisure time to serve the Lord. They have never given significant money or resources to the Lord’s work. However, for those like Peter who have made substantial investments in the work of God, it is a legitimate question.

Thankfully, for everyone who has ever sacrificed and then asked, “What shall we have therefore,” Jesus gives the answer. He promised Peter that he would be given a special place of responsibility in the future kingdom of Christ, and that everyone who had ever forsaken houses, family, or land would be rewarded abundantly, both in this life and in the life to come.

The question was a legitimate one, and the answer was direct. In every way, those who choose to serve Christ over self will be blessed. We are blessed in this life. This is the best life there is. If we had one thousand lives to live, we would want to live every one of them as a child of God. We never knew the meaning of joy and peace until we met the Lord. We have been blessed beyond all measure, with a new family, brothers and sisters in Christ. God has been so good to us. He daily loads us with benefits. We who have faithfully served the Lord in this life, will, as Peter was promised, be able to serve the Savior during the time of His millennial reign on this earth. For a thousand years, we will reign with Him on the earth. We will also be blessed throughout eternity. Forever we will experience the rewards of faithful service.

We, who serve Him because we love Him, hope to one day hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” A follower of Christ may give up temporal things, forsaking them out of love and devotion to his Lord. He can be assured that God will reward him abundantly for time and for eternity.