Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;” Ephesians 5:25

Perhaps the greatest emotional need of every individual is to be loved. We need to know that someone cares for us. The lack of expressed or demonstrated love leaves a vacuum in the human heart that time will not erase. Children need to know that they are loved. Wives and husbands need to know that they are loved. Parents and grandparents need to know that they are loved.

The greatest love that exists is the love of God. Our text reminds us that “Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” We need never question His love. He demonstrated His love when He died on the cross for our sins. The service, suffering, and sacrifice of His life is the permanent reminder and testimony of His love. From time to time, we might think that somehow God has forgotten us or that He is indifferent to our needs or concerns. This will never be the case. His love is an unending love.

He “loved the church.” Jesus formed the church during His earthly ministry and “loved the church.” He “loved the church” so much that He “gave himself for it.” What love He has for us! By the way, if Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it, does it not stand to reason that we would love the church? Those who slight the place and role of the church should meditate on this verse. We ought never to minimize what Jesus feels so strongly about. Love should be experienced and expressed in the church.

The love of Jesus serves as an example to us of the way we are to love. Our verse tells us that “husbands” are to “love your wives.” But how are they to love their wives? What kind of love should be shown? We are to love our wives “even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.” We are to love our wives as He loved the church, or the same way as He loved the church. Love needs to be seen and experienced, above all places in the home and in the church. We need to love each other the way that Jesus loves us.

Many of the problems in our homes and churches could be solved if we could just bring ourselves to love the way that God loves us. Because He loves us, He forgives us. Because He loves us, He comforts us. Because He loves us, He does not belittle us. As Jesus gave Himself for the church that He loves, we are to give ourselves to those we love.