Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof.” Joshua 23:14

Joshua was old and he knew that his time on earth was about to end. He had faithfully led God’s people into Canaan, beginning to possess the land promised to Abraham. He and the nation of Israel had seen many victories. Few people in history have witnessed such mighty acts of God. He assembled the leaders and all the people to give them final instructions and exhortation. What would he say to them? One part of his final words is recorded in our text. He testified to the faithfulness of God and His Word saying, “not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof.”

Everything that God said concerning Israel had come to pass. GOD KEEPS HIS WORD. What a parting testimony! Every good thing God said about them had come to pass. God never made a promise that He did not keep. He never gave a command that He did not give the recipient the ability to obey. He never promised judgment that He did not perform.

God always keeps His Word. Thank God the same is true for us. His Word can be trusted. If He said it, we can believe it. Whatever He has promised us, we can rely upon. Whatever He has prophesied will certainly come to pass. This gives us such assurance and comfort. It also inspires us to read and know the Word of God. How can we trust God to fulfill His promises if we do not know what those promises are?

Does God have anything to say about us? What has “the LORD your God spake concerning you”? We find His commands, judgments, and promises in the pages of our Bible. He promises to save us, help us, comfort us, guide us, strengthen us, forgive us, equip us, protect us, empower us, correct us, etc. The revelations of God’s Holy Word are perfectly recorded and preserved to reveal God’s will to us. God is good. He has many “good things” that He has said concerning us. Our privilege is to read and believe them. One day we can tell those that we will leave behind, GOD KEEPS HIS WORD.