Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.” Luke 1:4

As Luke begins this glorious Gospel, he states a clear objective, “That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.” This presents for our consideration a simple, yet profound, principle. Truth is absolute and certain. God wants us to know THE CERTAINTY OF TRUTH.

This detail is of definite importance in our day, as truth is usually considered to be anything but certain. Many present truth as being relative; and thus, its meaning will depend on our circumstances or situations. Rather than being fixed and unchanging, truth is often seen to be in a state of flux or evolution. Others seem to genuinely believe that some truth is outdated or irrelevant because it clashes with contemporary thinking. Still others assume that cultures or traditions make truth irrelevant. Yet this is not the message of the Word of God.

The Bible’s purpose is to help us know “the certainty” of truth. God’s Word, like God Himself, is forever unchanging. This is one of the foundational doctrines of Scripture. God is faithful, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His Word is likewise forever “settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). Our view of truth will greatly affect the way we receive it, believe it, and obey it. Knowing THE CERTAINTY OF TRUTH helps strengthen our confidence in the promises and principles of the Bible. Because we know the “certainty of those things” wherein we have been taught, we can believe them without reservation.

It is the work of Satan to cast doubt on the integrity of the Word of God. Unfortunately, the devil has many assistants in his cause to delude those who might waver from their steadfastness, including those who claim to be Bible scholars or teachers. Classrooms and pulpits today are occupied with false prophets who undermine “the certainty” of the Holy Scriptures. Rather than presenting the Bible as a Book of “certainty,” they take the position that it contains error or contradiction. According to these heretics, it then falls upon us to determine which parts are true, which are uninspired, and which are symbolic, even if they are presented as factual. This is nonsense. God’s Word is to be taught and received as truth that can be accepted and believed with “certainty.”