Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6

God is immutable. He will never change. He is sometimes referred to as, or compared to, a Rock. There is no variableness or fluctuation in His nature or in His character. People change and circumstances change, but God will not and cannot change. God may reverse an action toward men because of their response to Him, but His character will never change. Men may change their positions, opinions, priorities, or moods; but God is unchanging. This is a great comfort to those who love and trust in the Lord. Men may let us down or make promises they cannot or do not keep, but God is unchanging.

God’s immutability provides tremendous security for His children. Our emotions may change from day to day. Our level of sincerity and commitment will surely vary from time to time. Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8). These are perilous times. We see many changes in our culture, and most are not beneficial. Traditions change and values change, but there is a constant for every one of us. God never changes.

The immutability of God has powerful and practical implications for each of us. In the matter of the Word of God, the unchanging nature of God dictates that His Word is always relevant and applicable. Man should quit tampering with the Word of God. It is forever “settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). The irreverence that men have toward the Scriptures reveals a failure to understand His unchanging nature. God’s commandments and standards do not change. He is not going to redefine His moral expectations. What they have been, they forever will be. We have witnessed the increasing acceptance of moral perversion as though wrong has now become right.

God’s plan of salvation will never change. It is solely through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Repentant sinners are saved by grace through faith. That is the only plan of redemption God has. Men try to add good works such as baptism and church membership as requirements for salvation. Our unchanging God has an unchanging provision for our eternal forgiveness. God’s immutability also provides a pattern for our personal lives. His unchangeableness encourages us to be more consistent in our commitments and convictions.