Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27

Only God is omnipotent. The word omnipotent means “having unlimited power or complete authority.” God is all-powerful. There is nothing too difficult for God to do. The miracles of God testify to His omnipotence. He created the worlds with His Words. He fashioned man from the dust of the earth. He divided the Red Sea for His children to pass through on dry ground. He became a man without a human father, born of a virgin. He raised people from the dead and healed every manner of sickness. He lived a sinless life on this earth and then died as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the entire human race. Then, He rose from the dead three days later. He will one day take His children to Heaven with Him and will forever banish Satan to an eternity in the Lake of Fire. Only an omnipotent God could do these things. What a mighty God we serve!

What about our problems? Let’s think about our needs for a moment. Can God help people get their emotions under control? Can God help us with our personal financial problems? How about that fractured relationship that needs to be made right? What about that matter in the past that we have never been able to forgive? Can God help us overcome that addiction or stubborn habit in our life? Is God able to help us become a better student, wife, or father? Can our sins, all of our sins, really be forgiven to be remembered against us no more?

With God, all things are possible. People doubt the miracles of God because they do not understand or accept His omnipotence. When a person accepts the lie that his problems are too much for God to handle, he is failing to understand His omnipotence. The disciples had a similar difficulty in remembering God’s omnipotence and relating it to their needs. They witnessed when He fed tens of thousands with two fish and five loaves of bread, but were full of fear when they found themselves in a severe storm. They saw God raise many people from the dead but could not believe it when they were told that He was raised from the dead.

We need to get this simple fact settled in our hearts. There is nothing too hard for God to do. God specializes in things thought impossible. We limit God through our lack of faith, but He is never limited by His lack of ability.