Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5, 6

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? We all have been there. The Word of God gives clear and practical direction for such moments in the life of the sincere Christian. There are many times that we cannot erase or solve our problems. If it were in our power to do so, we would make those difficulties disappear. There are occasions when we are not certain which choice would be the wisest. There are situations when more than one door appears to be open, and we are unsure which one to go through. How can we know the Lord’s will in such matters? Let’s look for a few moments to the counsel of the Holy Scriptures. The counsel of God’s Word can guide us.

We are encouraged to “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart.” Our initial step is to make sure we are trusting God completely with our situation. One might ask, “But how is that going to solve my problem?” In reality, faith itself will not solve our problem. We must keep in mind that we are not actually responsible to solve every crisis, but we are to trust God to work on our behalf. We begin from a position of complete trust, relying on God’s direction and solution.

We are also advised to “lean not unto thine own understanding.” God counsels us to look beyond our limited reasoning and understanding. The Lord sees beyond our finite vision and has perfect wisdom. We greatly limit our resources and options when we lean on our own understanding.

We are then instructed, “In all thy ways acknowledge him.” God wants to be involved in every detail of our lives. Here again, one might say, “But there is only one thing that I really need advice on.” But, God wants us to acknowledge Him in every part of our lives. We need to train ourselves to be very God-conscious in our daily lives. It would be good if our minds were acknowledging the Lord in our first few waking moments of the day, in our last conscious thoughts before going to sleep, and as many times as possible during the day.

As we learn to depend on God as our source, we are promised, “he shall direct thy paths.” This is what we need, for God to guide us. In this way, God does not just lead us to a solution; He is our solution.