Pastor Thomas Smith   -  

“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.” Proverbs 22:3

The word foresight means “to see beforehand, or to know something before it happens.” The Bible teaches us the wisdom of foresight. It is the wise man that sees when problems are coming and seeks to avoid them. Many calamities could be averted through foresight. Among them are financial distress due to unwise stewardship, relational problems due to unresolved conflicts, and spiritual catastrophe as a result of backsliding. It is not prudent for someone to continually spend money he does not have and not see that a disaster is pending. To reject the principles of the Word of God and ignore the possibility of spiritual bankruptcy is also unwise. It is a foolish and simple man who disregards the warning when evil is coming, and thus suffers the consequences.

It is unwise to not think about the future. It is foolish to live as though there is no tomorrow, or to act as if seed sown will not produce a harvest. For instance, we should think about where our journey will one day lead us. What will be the consequences of the decisions we are making? There are those who are living in sin and rebellion, with no regard for the future. Sin always has a price tag. It will cost us dearly – perhaps in a guilty conscience, or in the loss of reputation and respect, or in the wasted time that can never be regained, or in any number of other ways.

For the unsaved man who refuses to consider the future implications of his disobedience, there will be an eternity of torment and regret. There is a day of reckoning coming. We all must face God one day. Those without Christ and without salvation will be punished for their reckless living and rejection of God’s gift of eternal life. Those who are too busy having fun today to think about tomorrow will have an eternity to regret their foolishness.

Even some who claim to be saved can be guilty of a lack of foresight regarding eternity. It is true that Heaven awaits all who trust in Jesus for their salvation, but eternity will also bring a judgment for the believer’s service at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Those who do not have the time to serve the Lord will be greatly ashamed and without reward. A prudent man with foresight will be willing to recognize potential danger and make the necessary adjustments to avoid disappointment.